Loop over repeating subform not executing on deployed version
My problem that I'm having with my form is that I have a loop that goes over each instance in a repeating subform. The intention is to do some validation on it for the users so that if they fill in any...
View ArticleOpportunities for dynamic forms
Hello community, I am a beginner within this area, but I have to develop a Service form for the company I am working at and the interactive PDF I created with Adobe Acrobat DC doesn't work properly,...
View ArticleTab stops with justifyed text alignement in TextField
Hello, I am dynamically filling a paragraph in a TextField divided with a tab stop to mimic a numbered list. My problem is with text alignment.. I set it to justify and because of that the text renders...
View ArticleGuardar pdf con formulario
Hola, he creado un pdf que contiene un formulario. Este documento de pdf tiene todos los permisos habilitados. El problema es el siguiente: - Al abrirlo con el reader me deja escribir pero no me deja...
View ArticleWhat will happen with forms after ES4 licence expiration?
Hello.Our customer has LiveCycle4 ES4 licence with reader extentions, which allows customer to subscribe adobe form (making it possible to use barcodes, import and export data and also save form).This...
View ArticleHelp with Customized subject line
Hi all - I am creating a form where I need to pull a text field that is entered by the user to be placed in the subject line. How do I do that? Also, I need to have the file save as something meaning...
View ArticleFillable dynamic form to create a different looking but completed document?
Absolutely new to this as of today (new job duty), was working with a team in Word/Excel to create a form that would change based on user input at the beginning (i.e. removes unrealted portions of an...
View ArticleChange Font Color for Row based on Dropdown in LiveCycle
I want to change the font color in a dynamic table based on a dropdown. The code I have only works for the cell. I would like the font for the entire row to change. DropDownList1 - Change event: if...
View ArticleDisable invisible Mandatory Drop Down List
I can not submit my form because I can not disable a invisible Mandatory DDL. I have try: form1.PageA.Sub_B.Table2.Row1.DDL.mandatory = "disabled"; but does not work!I control this DDL from another DDL...
View ArticleEmailed Lifecycle forms won't open
Hi, I created a Livecycle form (CS2), gave it reader rights, but when I email the completed form with Reader DC the recipient can't open the attachment. Any ideas. ThanksFrank
View Articletext box tables
with LC, can tables be entered into a text box? So you have a text box, 1 user will make a table in the text box with 3 rows, 4 cells each row. next user has 7 rows, 2 cells in each row?
View ArticleAre There Expandable Text Fields?
Okay, am new to Acrobat and LiveCycle. I have gone through about 9 hours of videos and still can not find an answer to what I know I should be able to do. Is there a way on a form to create a text...
View ArticleES4 - Requesting help with complex subform set and editing data nominated...
Hello, I am utilizing Livecycle Designer ES4 I have reviewed all online help as well as subform snippets related to hiding table subforms based on a data object. (the movie/category example). Yet, I'm...
View ArticleAuto tab to next field without losing the entered character.
Dear All,For auto tabbing, I used this code in the full event of the text field: $host.setFocus('Next_Text_Field_Name'); The good thing is that it works but the (bad) thing is that the last key stroke...
View ArticleBinding XML Data - Is there a text limit for the "On Value" field
I have loaded a data connection to my form as XML. I'm using a check-box to set the check based on a value which is a long sentence. I've done this type of form several times using the On Value...
View ArticleForm with add file bottom
HiI created a form with adobe livecycle which include a bottom to add a file into the form.the same form when it is used by others who have the normal adobe reader they can’t use that form; only those...
View ArticleNot able to give approval in the form
HiI made a pdf form in livecycle designer where different user need to give their approval in the form. I searched in google and found an example here...
View ArticleHide text field depending on table content
Hi guys, i've made a form with adobe livecycle, now i have the requirement to hide some text fields depending if some table on the form have rows to display or not. Each table have on the upper side...
View Articlesum if formcalc or javascript
Hi, Hoping if someone can help:in formcalc how do i go about doing a sum if condition. In a table (created from xml output), if column value is greater than 30days from today sum the line total and...
View ArticleDisable user password
HiI created a form in livecycle designer for my company whre three department (accounting, sales and distribution) will fill data in the form. As my form has lots of text field, chk box and dropdown, I...
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