I want to set defaults on my form, such as graying-out and disabling coordinator blocks and have used form1.docReady under the Action Builder (i.e., "When form form1 has finished loading" do this and this and this). Some coordinators on my form are unnecessary for routine issues, hence their blocks being disabled/grayed out; however, certain input choices require higher-level coordination and that enables and un-grays those coordinator blocks.
A user goes in, selects different things, enters various text, and the choices made change the defaults into whatever based on the user's selections. However, upon digitally signing the form, a mandatory save routine runs in order to add the signature [part of the PDF run-time functionality to create digi-sigs]. That save routine then re-runs the form1.docReady routine in Action Builder--and the form resets everything back to the defaults instead of what the user chose.
Now, higher-level coordinators cannot do anything because those blocks have been disabled (again) by the form1.docReady routine. [This is not a case of the digi-sig locking the form from further editing. I set the individual digi-sigs to only lock their respective collections/objects and lower-level next-in-line coordinators can add their entries and digi-sign with no problems.]
Ergo, I have a problem. I need something other than what Action Builder provides. I need to set defaults the FIRST TIME a user opens the form and ONLY the first time. A user may save the form prior to digitally signing it (lots of text to enter, lunch break, etc.)--and that save re-runs the form1.docReady routine and re-disables those higher-level coordinators. [Thus, this isn't necessarily a digi-sig only issue.]
For each object, there is an "initialize", "docReady", "form:ready", and "layout:ready" scripting area to enter JavaScript. "docReady" obviously isn't the event to do what I need the form to do since saving re-runs the form1.docReady routine in order to get the form ready for more input. Does "initialize" run only once or every time the form gets opened?
Suggestions are greatly appreciated.
What I use: Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES4