Begging for help! I have some DYNAMIC PDF forms completed and ready for use, but am stuck on some crucial areas:
- How can the data be collected if they don’t want to use the ‘email’ option, as they don’t have someone available to check email daily? I can see how the data is collected on the server; it comes in one at a time as an .xml file; how can these .xml files be auto-compiled?
- How, oh HOW do we get this to work within a SharePoint 2013 environment? Is there a separate component that needs to be purchased? I have Adobe LiveCycle ES4 Designer, but no one in the company has used this before, and none of our network people are able to find what they need. [“…s I read their “Connecting to a Contact Management System – Configuring Connector for SharePoint”, it looks pretty much about the same. Everything is about setting up the connection on the LiveCycle Server side.
I am kind of left to assume, that if the configuration is good on the LiveCycle Server side, it will connect in and make the changes so that it shows up in Site Settings in SharePoint? Because there doesn’t seem to be any “in SharePoint do this….” Until it says to go find LiveCycle on Site Settings. No clue as to how it gets there…”]
I’m dyin’ here – please help! = ]Thanks so much!!