I have a form to gather new customer account information which has required fields and will prompt the user before printing if there are fields missing information.
My dilemma is that if it’s not a joint account, Additional Customer information is not required, however, if it’s is a joint account then the Additional Customer information would be required. Is there a way to have two check boxes one for an Individual and one for a Joint account maybe at the top of the form and if Individual is selected only Customer A information would be required and if Joint is selected then both Customer A & Additional Customer information would be required. Or, maybe if all Customer A information is completed then a Yes or No box would come up asking if additional customer information is needed. If you select Yes the from will not print if you sect No then the form prints.
Is there an opposite of "null" to show that the field has something in it?
I’m sure this is way over my head but thought I’d ask.