Three columns...
In time
Out Time
Total Time (calculate based on in and out entered)
<field name="hours1" w="18.182mm" h="10.04mm" access="readOnly">
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<script>if( HasValue(spec1b) & HasValue(spec1a) ) then
// compute time difference in minutes
var TimeDiff = (Time2Num(spec1b.formattedValue, "h:MM A") - Time2Num(spec1a.formattedValue, "h:MM A")) / (1000 * 60)
// truncate to hours
var HourDiff = Floor(TimeDiff / 60)
// get minutes less than 60
var MinDiff = Mod(TimeDiff, 60)
// build fomatted dispaly string
Concat( Format("Z9", HourDiff), ":", Format("99",MinDiff) )
// if any values missing null the output