Hallo Forum,
I'm using Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES2.
I actually created a dataview with a linked EXCEL file with ca. 50.000 records. I would like to place differetent records in a form of order
In the XML VIEW the binding elements are the following:
<bind id="bind0" ref="$record.DataConnection.No"/><bind id="bind1" ref="$record.DataConnection.Unit_Price"/><bind id="bind2" ref="$record.DataConnection.Description_DEU"/><bind id="bind3" ref="$record.DataConnection.Description_ENU"/><bind id="bind4" ref="$record.DataConnection.Description_ITA"/><bind id="bind5" ref="$record.DataConnection.Description_FRA"/><bind id="bind6" ref="$record.DataConnection.Net_Weight"/><bind id="bind7" ref="$record.DataConnection.Weight_Std"/><bind id="bind8" ref="$record.DataConnection.Weight"/><bind id="bind9" ref="$record.DataConnection.Unit_Price_DOLLAR1"/>
In Excel the data is organized in this way
My question is the following:
- How I can address a specific record from DataBinding? "$record.DataConnection.No" is the Primary key
- When I address "$record.DataConnection.No" like ELETA112 it's possible that I get below in a field $record.DataConnection.Description_ENU
- It's possible to place different records in a LifeCycle Document ?
Actually I found only in the Forum ways to display database data. I would place data in the PDF.
Thank you for any help !
P.S.: This screen should be our result