I'm using ES4 renderPDFForm service to render pdf along with attachment.
This service works if I dont have PDF attachment but doesn't work PDF with attachments.
I'm sending the PDF attachment like below.
Map attachments = new Map();
MapItem item = new MapItem();
byte[] pdfAttachment = new byte[10,20,30...]
com.adobe.idp.Document doc = new com.adobe.idp.Document(pdfAttachment );
attachments .add(item);
service.renderPDFForm("CORR0040-MiscellaneousMS-8.xdp", inputData, renderSpec, spec, attachments);
Error I'm getting is: javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPFaultException: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String incompatible with com.adobe.idp.Document
Please help me how to resolve this...