There are two people. Let's call them "husband" and "wife."
Husband and wife could be petitioner or respondent.
I'm trying to create a calculation to determine whether husband or wife is petitioner or respondent.
It's easy enough to use a conditional (for the petitioner value)
if (DropDownList = "husband") then
But, I think it is easier for the user to have two radio buttons so they show the options, one labelled "Husband" and the other "Wife."
I have created (formcalc, client, calculate) with a husband radio button and a wife radio button in the same sub form set.
if (PetitionerRB.HusbandRB == "1") then
$= HusbandFullName
and this sets the husband or the wife to petitioner.
However, I am having trouble setting the respondent. When I create this for the wife radio button, I do not get a value.
To set wife as the petitioner:
if (PetitionerRB.WifeRB == "1") then
$= WifeFullName
In fact, changing "1" to "2" also does not work.
I'm obviously missing something about radio buttons in a sub form. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.