I have created a form with an submit button with is supposed to go to an email address. I have used this EXACT process in a prior form and had no issues. I am using a regular button and then have a script in MouseUp*. The following script will not open email to send it. I copied it directly form a previous form that did what wwe wanted it to do.
if (form1.execValidate() ==true){
if (employeename.rawValue !=null || employeename.rawValue != "") {
vSubject = "Emerging Technology Evaluation Request " + employeename.rawValue;
vBody = "The form has been sent by " + employeename.rawValue;
if (Date.rawValue !=null || Date.rawValue != "") {
vBody = vBody + " on " + Date.rawValue;
var oDoc = event.target;
cSubject: "Emerging Technology Evaluation Request " + employeename.rawValue + " " ,
cMsg: "Attached please find Emerging Technology Evaluation Request form."
Any help would relieve this big headache. Thank you