I've been reading articles online in regards to the number of times a document/form can be used. Specifically, "forms that are extended via Acrobat Professional are restricted to 500 or fewer uses, or restricted from distributing the form to more than 500 people. Forms that are reder extended through Adobe Reader Extensions ES are not restricted."
I was hoping someone might be able to explain this further.
Our need from livecycle is to create a form, and save it to our shared drive for staff with Reader XI to open and use on a per client basis. Once that form is complete it is put into the client's file and never altered again. A new form is used for the next client, and so on. I created the form in Livecycle. I reader extended the form through Pro X. And it's being used and opened with Reader XI.
I need to know what the restrictions are on the forms, that pertain to us.