Hi there,
I have been working on Livecycle forms for about two weeks now and have been able to work out quite a bit of what I need to do. However, I am really hoping someone can help me with a two problems that I cannot seem to solve.
The first one is; if I click on the 'remove a row' function on my form and it is the only row, it comes up with an error message, How do I stop that from being displayed? I think I need to use the IF function with >1 but cannot seem to get it to work.
Secondly, if for example I add two rows using the +row button to make three rows and in rows 1&2 I input some data. If I then want to delete row 3 and press the -Row button it deletes row number 2 and the data in that row and leaves row number 3. How can I change it so that when I delete a row it deletes row number three and leaves row number 2. essentially, I need it to delete rows from the bottom up and not from the top down. Hope this makes sense. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Attached is a link to my form.
Thank you.