I am presently creating an order form in LiveCycle. Within it are two checkboxes: clothing and giftware.
Each checkbox is tied to a table, visible or hidden, depending whether the box is checked. With me so far?
The first table allows the user to specify color, style, quantity, list price, logo/insignia location, etc. on clothing. The user can add or delete rows, and the table calculates the total, sales tax and grand total on the fly. No problem.
The second table allows the user to specify etching/engraving style, list price, quantity, logo/insignia size, etc. on giftware. The user can add or delete rows, and the table calculates the total, sales tax and grand total on the fly. No problem here either.
Where I'm getting stuck is in creating a Grand Total numeric field (formatted for currency) that adds the totals from the two tables. Seems easy enough; however, it doesn't make sense to display this if the sum (the grand total of the first table and the grand total of the second table) is 0.
Can someone kindly let me know how to find the sum of both tables and display the order total only if grandtotal > 0 ?
Thank you.