I am new to LiveCycle. I have created a PDF with 2 pages and it contains 70+ fields (Textfields, drop down, radio buttons, check boxes etc) . I created a reset form button with a click event and when I click it, it resets the entire form. I want to exclude 5 fields from belng cleared. How can I do that?
I have browsed all the forum topics on this and tried this script. ( Posting only few fields but the original script contains all fields)
xfa.host.resetData ("xfa.form.form1.DateField1,xfa.form.form1.TextField2[0],xfa.form.for m1.TextField3[0],xfa.form.form1.TextField5[0]");
There are 70+ fields and I have entered all these fields excluding 5 fields which I do not wanted to be cleared. But it clears the whole form.
I tried xfa.$host.resetData() too.
Any help??