Hi All,
I have 3 different table elements with repeatable body in the form. I am having an issue when data overflows.
We have a sceanrio like this Table 1 with data prints and Table 2 follows but there is a space to print table2 header only and Table2 items are printing in next page followed by Table3 header and Items. Here we want to print Table2 header in next page along with Items instead of leaving header in page1.
This scenario explained below with Tables. Please help me to fix this issue.
EmpID | Name |
11 | Tst1 |
12 | test2 |
Table2 only header is printing on Page1
Header1 | Header2 |
Table2 Items
78923 | Testdata1 |
2456 | TestData2 |
Header 1 | Header 2 |
12121 | Table3 |
564646 | Table3 |