I've recently started creating a order form which will automatically fill in either the item description, product number, or unit price once selected either the product number or item description from the drop down box.
I made a smaller trial version of this form and it worked perfectly however adding all the possible 'actions' for when selecting from the drop down box took a very long time. The real order form will have a lot more items to choose from therefore will take even more time, which I don't have.
Is there a way to copy the actions I have for the first row (Product01, Description01, Unit01) for the rest of the rows in the order form, all I would need to change is the Product01 to Product02 etc etc.
This is what my table in my order form looks like:
Product No: | Description | Quantity | Unit Price | Total |
PN01 | Description 01 | QTY 01 | UNIT 01 | TTL 01 |
PN02 | Description 02 | QTY 02 | UNIT 02 | TTL 01 |
PN03 | Description 03 | QTY 03 | UNIT 03 | TTL 03 |
PNO4 | Description 04 | QTY 04 | UNIT 04 | TTL 04 |
Field Names
Product No & Description are both drop down boxs
This is the code for one of the actions:
//- //+ GENERATED - DO NOT EDIT (ID:5F8FCFED-90F7-48DF-9CDA-91C02E1BC86F CRC:3737938537) //+ Type: Action //+ Result2: SetFieldValue("$Node3","tovalue","4.99") //+ Result1: SetFieldValue("$Node2","tovalue","Quality safety spectacles") //+ Node3: topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].UNIT_01[0] //+ Node2: topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].Description_01[0] //+ Node1: topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].PN01[0] //+ Condition1: ListField("$Node1","textselected","NB04B") //+ ActionName: PN01.change if ($.boundItem(xfa.event.newText) == "NB04B") { this.resolveNode("Description_01").rawValue = "Quality safety spectacles"; this.resolveNode("UNIT_01").rawValue = "4.99"; }
I just used an action builder to create these actions.
If someone could explain a way to copy these actions and apply it to each of the rows it would be a great help and very much appriciated!