I have two problems here and I need some help. I'm having continued overflow/underflow problems and can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Here is a script.
If (Page2.Table2.Row40.Line40VOC > 0) then
$.rawValue = Page2.Table2.Row40.Line40VOC / Page2.Table3.Row44.Line44VOC;
My second problem is: If a negative number is entered in Line 40, then Line 46 needs to be a positive number.
The script I have for line 46 is:
if(Page2.Table2.Row40.Line40VOC > 0) then
$.rawValue = Page2.Table2.Row40.Line40VOC / Page2.Table3.Row44.Line44VOC;
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Connie Bretes