We have developed logic to check if the XFA JavaScript is running on the server, it will load the original image with high-quality in order to flatten the PDF with the original image. We noticed that, on the flattened PDF, the image will stretch beyond the image field borders if the size is bigger than the dimensions set in Designer.
The logic will execute a webservice on one of the document events such as Doc Ready, Form Ready, Layout Ready, server side only. We tried all such events. This web service will load the original image into the field. If the image size is within the border, everything looks fine. But if it is bigger, it will cross the field borders only if the image proportion is set to "height". See sample below.
The snapshot above is taken from the flattened PDF. The PDF is generated, by invoking the LiveCycle ES4 API to flatten the PDF, from Java Program.
Any idea if this is expected behaviour? Is there any special parameter in the Flattening API to respect image proportion setting (fit to width, fit to size...etc)?
Please help.
Message was edited by: Tarek Faham To clarify the scenario where the problem happens.