I'm new to the forum and quite new in creating LiveCycle forms using ES3. Now I'm stuck and very greatful if somebody could assist me to get my form running.
I tried to adapt the following instructions LiveCycle Blog: Mehrsprachige Formulare //Multilingual forms to my form, however, nothing happens. What I'm trying to achieve is actually pretty simple, i.e. a form which language can be changed by choosing the language from a Dropdown.
My hierarchy:
--> Script Object (SO): from1.variables[0].Sprachen
--> Dropdown: form1.InputOfferterstellung.Dropdown
--> Textboxes: form1.InputOfferterstellung.Subform_GenerelleInfo. [...], etc.
--> Dropdown List Items: Deutsch, English, Italiano (no specified item values)
My JavaScript for SO:
function Sprache_ändern(L01, L02, L03)
xfa.form.form1.InputOffertenerstellung.Subform_GenerelleInfo.OffertID.caption.value.text. value = L01;
xfa.form.form1.InputOffertenerstellung.Subform_GenerelleInfo.ProjektNr.caption.value.text .value = L02;
xfa.form.form1.InputOffertenerstellung.Subform_GenerelleInfo.ArtderOfferte.caption.value. text.value = L03;
function DeutschCaption()
Sprachen.Sprache_ändern("Offerten-ID", "Projekt-Nr.", "Art der Offerte");
function EnglishCaption()
Sprachen.Sprache_ändern("Quotation ID no.", "Project no.", "Bid type");
function ItalianoCaption()
Sprachen.Sprache_ändern("Offerta ID no.", "Progetti no.", "Tipo di offerta");
My JavaScript in the exit event of the Dropdown:
if(xfa.event.newText == "Deutsch")
if(xfa.event.newText == "English")
if(xfa.event.newText == "Italiano")
Thank you vermy much for your help!